How to approve adsence easy trick

Posted by Unknown on 11:45

Earning Money online?


Frindz How are you ? Hoped you will be fine.
Frindz i am very happy Because today my blog is approved for google adsence .After 3 to 4 month hard struggle at last my blog is approved  First of All i thank Allah very much who is always with me and support me when i was or am alone .I decided to tell you how i get adsence account?

First of  All i created a blog of name Tricks Site  . then i started  post related to tricks . I found  tricks from my daily life or from internet and from many more resources and post at my blog . Then i apply for adsence because my blogger comment box was missing.
Second time i apply for adsence but again disapproved because my about us page was not briefe.
i resolved all problems and agin apply third time then after one weak i receive mail from adsence Congratulation! frindz that is the story behind my blog approvation .After every mistake i learned a new thing.Frindz google adsence is higly paid advertizement.
I  will post complete about Adsence In Sha Allah this post is only a general introduction for expert bloggers next time i will post for a begginer always touch with this site .

 I will post instructions to save your account from disapprove In Sha Allah.

Plz write in comment any question.Thanks

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