Gym Best Routine

Posted by Unknown on 10:47

Gym Best Routine (Lazer):-

Friendz today i am going to share a good thing for gymers.
when we are start gym then we are not no which exercise is better for me and we have not our proper routine .Some begginrs gymrs just focus on the one muscle e.g arms or chest.
This is not a good thing, that is cause the muscle failure.For best shape you should have your good routine .If you study the routine of the top olymic bodybuilders then
you will be notice that they are trained their muscles one to two time in a week and two to three day rest in week.three main things which is the important for gaining muscles and good body shape

are following
1: Proper Nutrition
2: Proper Rest
3: Good routine
When I started gym then i   worried about my routine. then i start study routine of top bodybuilders and at last i succeed to get the good routine.For Your help i am going
to share a Lazer Gym routine.

Monday: Chest

  1. Flat Bench press 4 sets 8 reps
  2. Incline Bench press 4 sets 8 reps
  3. Decline Bench press 4 sets 8 reps
  4. Pullover 4 sets 12 reps
  5. Hammer Press 3 sets 12 reps
  6. Dips 3 sets 12 reps

Tuesday: Back/Traps

  1. Bent Over Row 4 sets 8 reps
  2. Deadlift 4 sets 8 reps
  3. Pulldowns 4 sets 12 reps
  4. Pull Ups 4 sets 12 reps

Cable Row 4 sets 12 reps
Shrugs 6 sets 10 reps

Wednesday: Delts and Abs

  1. Military Press Behind The Neck 3 sets 8 reps
  2. Machine Press 4 sets 8 reps
  3. Lateral Raises 4 sets 10 reps
  4. Weight Plate Front Raises 4 sets 10 reps
  5. Front Raise 4 sets 10 reps
  6. Reverse Pec Deck 4 sets 10 reps
  7. Reverse Fly’s (on incline bench) 4 sets 12 reps
  8. Weighted Sit Up 4 sets to failure
  9. Hanging Leg Raise- 4 sets to  failure
  10. Side Bends 4 sets to failure
  11. Side Crunches 4 sets to failure

Thursday: Rest

Friday: Triceps and Biceps

  1. Close Grip Bench Press 4 sets 8 reps
  2. Pushdown 4 sets 8 reps
  3. EZ Bar Skullcrusher 4 sets 10 reps
  4. Cable Kickback 4 sets 12 reps
  5. EZ Bar Curl 4 sets 8 reps
  6. Wide Grip Curl 4 sets 8 reps
  7. Hammer Curl 4 sets 8 reps(each hand)
  8. Concentration Curl 4 sets 12 reps

Saturday: Legs and Abs

  1. Squats 4 sets 12 reps
  2. Squat (to bench) 4 sets 12 reps
  3. Bulgarian Squat 4 sets 12 reps
  4. Quad Extensions 4 sets 16 reps
  5. Stiff Leg Deadlift 4 sets 12 reps
  6. Leg Curls 4 sets 16 reps
  7. Glute Kickbacks 4 sets 20 reps
  8. Calf Machine Raises 4 sets 20 reps
  9. Seated Calf Raises 4 sets 20 reps0
  10. Leg Press Calf Raises 4 sets 20 reps
  11. Weighted Sit up 4 sets to failure
  12. Air bike 4 sets to failure
  13. Side Bends 4 sets to failure
  14. Barbell Twists 4 sets to failure

Sunday: Rest

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